The user has clicked on the Parent or Root button, or used the keyboard
2 if arcsubdir = '' then do
3 cuthere = lastpos('/',arcfile)
4 if cuthere = 0 | upper(event) = 'ROOT' then
5 cuthere = pos(':',arcfile)
6 normaldir = left(arcfile,cuthere)
7 if qualifier = 'shift' then do
8 lister new normaldir
9 newhandle = result
10 lister wait newhandle
11 lister set newhandle source
12 end
13 else do
14 lister set handle title
15 lister read handle normaldir
16 end
17 end
18 else do
19 if upper(event) = 'ROOT' then
20 newsubdir = ''
21 else do
22 cuthere = lastpos('/',left(arcsubdir,length(arcsubdir) - 1))
23 newsubdir = left(arcsubdir,cuthere)
24 end
25 if qualifier = 'shift' then do
26 lister new
27 newhandle = result
28 address command 'Copy >NIL: T:ArcDir.list'handle 'T:ArcDir.list'newhandle
29 lister set newhandle source
30 address command 'Run >NIL: <NIL: RX DOpus5:ARexx/ArcDir.dopus5 GETDIR' portname '"'arcfile'"' newhandle newsubdir
31 end
32 else do
33 arcsubdir = newsubdir
34 call arclist
35 end
36 end
37 return
1 Sub-routine label.
2 - 17 If arcsubdir is empty, it means we're in the root directory of
the archive. We then check to see if there is a '/' character
starting from the end of arcfile, (which is the name of our
archive with full path, for example - RAM:Foo/bar.lha), if there is
no '/' then we must be in the root of the device and we get the
position of the ':'. normaldir is then set to the path where our
archive is, so if it was RAM:Foo/bar.lha normaldir will be RAM:Foo/.
If the shift key was held down we open a new lister and read the
path specified in normaldir, we get it's handle in
newhandle, wait until it's idle and set it's state to source.
If the shift key wasn't held down, we set the titlebar to the default
and read the directory into the lister which kills our handler.
18 If arcsubdir wasn't empty we start here.
19 - 20 If the event was ROOT then we set newsubdir to an empty string.
21 - 24 Otherwise we find the second last occurrence of '/' and set
newsubdir to the path to the left of it, for example if
arcsubdir is RAM:foo/bar/who/ then newsubdir will
be RAM:foo/bar/.
25 - 31 If the shift key was held down, we open a new lister, get it's
handle, copy the archive contents list to another file for the new
handler, set it to SOURCE then call ArcDir.dopus5 on it with the
command GETDIR, Opus' ARexx port name, archive filename, handle of
the new lister AND the path in newsubdir.
32 - 35 The shift key wasn't held down, so we set arcsubdir to newsubdir and
call arclist to update the entry display in the lister.
37 Return.